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A few days before Christmas, the federal government extended an invitation to state child welfare agencies that has the potential to completely transform the system. The invitation did not arrive with great publicity. Nor was By Guest Writer This post …
The United Nations describes violence against women as a “pandemic in diverse forms.” Thirty-five percent of women have experienced sexual and/or physical violence, often in intimate relationships. In some nations, an unimaginable seventy percent of women have suffered sexual and/or physical violence …
By: Luis GayEdited by: Juliana zhu, Esq.In various regions of Uganda, a man asks to marry a woman by paying her family a dowry (money or livestock). If a woman chooses to leave her husband, he could ask for a …
Reeta Wolfsohn, CMSW, founder of the Financial Social Work discipline, was invited to bring FSW to Hong Kong in April 2017. The experience, according to Reeta, was life-changing as well as immensely rewarding personally and professionally. During her time …
Via NYPL Collections STUDENT VOICES By: Megan Gray This essay is in response to the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs video clip “When to Begin Genocide Prevention.” In the Carnegie Council video, “When to Begin Genocide Prevention,” led …
Humans are curious creatures. We organize our perceptions of the world through stories to explain mysteries and help us feel safe and secure. Story making comes from our natural inclination to have an internal dialogue with ourselves that narrate our …
Like the bloated aftermath of a big meal, I have had a gut full of politicians and some commentators, childish behaviour in parliament, inhumanity and cruelty, and nothing but ‘broken record’ and ‘blame the other guy’ tactics from our government. …
Neoteny refers to when a species’ traits that are typically associated with juvenile stages of development are carried into adulthood. A common example is the Mexican salamander, or axolotl. At full maturity, the axolotl continues to look like a …
There have been reports of a hostage situation in Afghanistan. Approximately ten individuals; Turkish, Russian and possibly one Afghan national, have been taken after a helicopter was forced to land during poor weather. Taliban groups have taken responsibility for the …
When I began graduate school for my Masters of Social Work (MSW) degree, email was available as text only. The internet did not exist yet. Times have changed and technology has grown in leaps and bounds and opened doors for …