voting Archive

North Carolina In Violation of “Motor Voter” Law

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 1, 2015 CONTACT: Dēmos: Donté Donald, 212-485-6012, Project Vote: Michael McDunnah, 202-905-1397, The Southern Coalition for Social Justice: Allison Riggs, 919-323-3380 ext.117, NORTH CAROLINA IN VIOLATION OF “MOTOR VOTER” LAW: Voting Rights Groups …

Election Collection: The Mobile App That Defends Your Vote

Decreased data storage costs, ever-rising mobile device ownership rates, and campaign assemblages’ unprecedented reliance on actual human beings to transmit personalized political messages to voters have all combined to position mobile data collection as an essential option and logical next step for …

NC Supreme Court’s inaction on state redistricting plan raises questions

NC Supreme Court’s inaction on state redistricting plan raises questions By Anne Blythe Artilce originally appeared in the Raleigh News & Observer on August 15, 2014 AA Read more here: RALEIGH — Three years have passed ...