therapy Archive
As a therapist whose routine session time is 90 minutes so people may work deeply into their complexity, I wonder the risk to the self-awareness aspect of therapy by the popularization of the concepts of “tools” and “takeaways” into therapy …
Photo by dreamsline When you are stressed, your body goes into what is called a “fight or flight” response to prepare to confront or avoid danger. Even day-to-day events can provoke a stress response, and can cause health problems, …
Abstract The treatment of people with addiction disorders is more effective when families are involved in the process. This is showed by many recent researches and also by our direct experience during the last 10 years. The main purpose of …
By Getty Image People are always searching for connection. As a society, we are very connected— our phones alert us to the very latest news and events; social media provides constant connection to our friends and acquaintances; and we …
© Warrengoldswain | As a women’s health therapist and of course, as a woman, I have always been interested in women’s health, specifically what contributes to good overall health. When we think of women’s health, we tend to …
By Getty Image I thought the topic of “starting” would be fitting for my first blog post. In therapy, sometimes the most difficult thing is just to get started (doesn’t that sound similar to the writing process?) People make …
Here was this disheveled, smiling man standing in front of me, cradling what was left of his arm that he just cut off. As a social worker, have you been told “I can’t do what you do”? In graduate school, …
Trained counselors can offer a lot of help to people in all kinds of situations, whether it is helping someone get over a personal problem or past event, helping them recover from an addiction or mental health issue, or helping …
For over a year, the U.S. presidential election has been the talk of most newspaper headlines, with millions of people across the United States tuning in every night to hear the latest updates about their chosen political party and candidate. …
It was 1995, and we had just started A Home Within. Seven-year-old Kelsey was one of the first foster children referred for open-ended therapy, but she was NOT happy about it. She routinely and loudly told her therapist, Dr. B, …