New Jersey Archive
By: Courtney Kidd, LMSW SJS Staff Write Gov. Chris Christie might have to kiss any hopes of his future of higher office good-bye, and no it’s not for his political views. The New Jersey state governor has come under some …
The Associated Press is reporting that NJ residents will be able to vote by email. Clearly the election presents problems that must be solved, but by email, really? As one who follows electronic voting methods, I am having a hard time believing that …
We want to know YOUR story. How did the storm impact you? Are you still in trouble? What was it like from your perspective? Were you scared, hurt, part of emergency response? As always we are looking for submissions from …
From the team at SJS, we would like to remind everyone in the affected areas of Hurricane Sandy to be safe the next few days. I urge you to not take emergency preparedness as a joke, by doing so you potentially put yourself …