justice Archive
There are roughly 554,000 people living on the street on a given night in the United States and mental health and homelessness are sadly being criminalized nationwide.For far too long, people have thought that being homeless is a choice, when …
Marriage will now only be possible for 16- and 17-year-olds in the state of Arizona under certain conditions, due to a bill signed into law by Gov. Doug Ducey (R)... By Christie Renick This post Arizona Sets Minimum Age for …
The California Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that a recent ballot initiative aimed at preventing the transfer of juveniles into the adult justice system could be applied retroactively to pending... By Jeremy Loudenback This post California Supreme Court: Law Barring …
As one of the most groundbreaking sitcoms of all time, The Golden Girls introduced a range of bioethical issues through scenarios on the show regarding medicine, the human body and women’s health. In this TEDx Talk, Dr. Elizabeth Yuko, a Fordham …
A new report from the National Council on Crime and Delinquency (NCCD) titled Girls and Gangs: Improving Our Understanding and Ability to Respond looks at the experiences of girls involved in gang activity and provides recommendations for stakeholders to better …
For the past nine months, advocates have been mounting a campaign to improve the living conditions of youth incarcerated in California’s juvenile halls, camps and ranches. Changes up for approval include requirements that correctional staff respect the gender identity of …
Donna Pollard entered a Massachusetts mental health facility at the age of 14. Two years later, she was married to a 31-year-old man who had been one of her counselors at the facility. Her mother consented to the marriage, and …
A new report released by the Vera Institute of Justice reveals the detrimental consequences of status offenses on youth on probation. In Just Kids: When Misbehaving is a Crime, Mahsa Jafarian and Vidhya Ananthakrishnan describe how status offenses unfairly criminalize …
ayin tachat ayinJury selection is underway in Boston for the trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. I took the jury survey and won’t qualify to serve for two reasons: I was a block and a half from the second explosion and under …
Two reports produced by Impact Justice researchers found evidence that LGBTQ and gender non-conforming youth continue to be overrepresented in juvenile justice systems across the country and that the percentage of young women and girls who identify as such may be much …