jobs Archive
You’re going to be getting a lot of advice in the next few weeks, and maybe even a bit beyond that, that is if it hasn’t already started. I’d like to offer my two cents. Graduating is a major life …
If you were to question 100 successful people who chose a rewarding career that lasted them their entire working lives what it was about their job that kept them at it for so long, a majority of the responses would …
Ah the weakness question in the job interview. It’s one of the classics isn’t it? I mean of all the things they ask you in most interviews, why is this question still being asked? The answer is of course that …
“I’m so bored I could do this job with my eyes closed.” Are you at the point where you’re no longer challenged in the work you perform on a daily basis? You could be blissfully unaware that you are doing …
One thing I try to do for those I help with finding, maintaining or exploring employment opportunities is give them the gift of empowerment. Whether that’s mine to give in the first place I acknowledge could be a point of irony …
Easier said then done isn’t it? Do they really think it’s as easy as just deciding to change your mood and, “Shazam!” everything is changed? It doesn’t work this way; you know it and honestly they know it too. Oh …
It’s often been my experience that those people who have no idea what they are looking for in terms of employment are among the hardest people to help find work. You’d be forgiven if you think that a person who …
See if you haven’t heard these statements before: “No one will hire me because I don’t have experience. How can I get experience if no one will hire me?” “The youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow.” Combine the …
How comfortable would you be interacting with and assisting people who approach you for help if your role was a customer service / reception function? I suppose it would depend on the organization you were employed by correct? The organization and what …
White House Rolls Out Summer Opportunity Plan By Sarah Barr | February 26, 2016 WASHINGTON — The White House this week rolled out a multi-agency plan to help more teenagers land summer jobs. The plan aims to give youth who …