humanitarian Archive
Ramin Asgary, M.D., M.P.H. By: Elizabeth Yuko, Ph.D. Recent natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina, the earthquake in Haiti, and the tsunami in Southeast Asia and the Arab Spring resulted in an increase in short-term medical volunteerism. This type of …
A recent study conducted by Canadian researchers suggests that Mother Teresa’s image as we know it may have been the product of hype. “The research paper claims that the celebrated nun had 517 missions in 100 countries at the time …
Can any of us truly define happiness and contentment? Is it easier to discuss potential and wishes? What about joy, delight or accomplishment? As professionals and as humans, it is important to identify our deepest wishes and desires and to work …
Social workers are trained to delineate between economic freedom and humanitarian freedom. Economic freedom is conceptualized as a persons ability to express their will in the market place. By these selections fortunes rise and fall; beliefs are expressed as they financially support the …
by Victoria Brewster, MSW – SJS Staff Writer in Canada Upon reading an article in a Good Housekeeping magazine from October of this year (2012), I came across an article titled: “The Happiness Boomerang: Give a Little of your Time …
by Victoria Brewster, MSW – SJS Staff Writer in Canada My initial write-up focused on the first half of the book. ( This write-up focuses on the second half of the book which is part of Ashley Judd’s treatment, healing …
Victoria Brewster, MSW – SJS Staff Writer in Montreal, Canada Another amazing book that opened my eyes to an issue that for the most part does not affect Canadians or other westernized countries to the point it does in Third …