The Happiness Interview

While reading Good Housekeeping, Jan. 2013 edition, I came across a short article called “The Happiness Interview” with Nilofer Merchant and Gretchen Rubin. The article featured a brief interview with Merchant about the topic of happiness. The questions were broad, and covered areas such as what impedes Merchant’s happiness, what activity makes her happier, and how does she improve her mood when feeling “blue.” I thought the interview was a great exercise for people to engage in. I saw it as a way for an individual to examine a topic close to the heart such as strengths and coping methods. I decided to take the interview for myself.


Question 1: What’s a simple activity that consistently makes you happy? Watching a B rated movie with family or friends in PJs with a bowl of popcorn, and cracking jokes the whole time. I value spending time with people I love and enjoy. The activity can be as simple as drinking coffee and discussing last week’s episode of Big Bang Theory.

Question 2: What gets in the way of your happiness? Seeing others in pain. I wear my heart on my sleeve. If I can offer someone comfort, I will. I understand that the world contains pain and unkindness, but I feel if there is someway I can make a difference I will. Even if the difference is small such as asking the stranger crying in the stall next to me if she is okay.

Question 3: Do you have a happiness mantra or motto? The motto I follow is “Walk, Don’t Run.” I have the wording tattooed onto me as a reminder to think upon when stressors are occurring. To me the statement simply means: Enjoy life. Be mindful of the present. 

Question 4: When you’re blue, what gives you a boost? I either seek support from family and/or friends, or write about my thoughts and feelings. I try to stay positive and release the negative energy through conservation and/or creativity. 

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