Matthew Cohen, MSW

Matthew Cohen, MSW

Social Justice Solutions | Staff Writer
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The World Needs Your Voice….Yes….You

Social Justice Solutions has been an active organization for over 9 months now. We have had ample time gauge reaction to SJS and what we stand for.  I have found this to be a somewhat mixed experience. On the one hand there is a clear hunger for the promotion of social justice in a way that is balanced and fair. On the other, there is a whole lot of apathy out there.

It is hard to say if people just don’t care, if they are over worked, or under-informed. Perhaps it is a mixture of all three and we are sympathetic to to our sisters and brothers. Still, SJS is pointless if we do not hear from you and I assure you we want to. Even if you disagree with us we want to; in fact especially if you disagree with us. It is easy to blame our elected officials for the country’s problems, but if we withhold our voice from them how can they be held accountable? This might be some obscure corner of the Internet, but even small steps and small voices can lead to big changes in the long run. The only way to create an informed electorate is to have the discussions before the elections. We need to learn from each others different experiences and points of view.

SJS is a safe place for you to share your opinions. Our goal is to help craft the conversations, keep them on topic, and especially keep them civil. We write everyday at SJS because this is our world, and we know that even if our small voices reach one person it was worth it. There has never been a greater need to hear from compassionate and passionate people than where we find ourselves now. We understand that the problems seem insurmountable, but we do not concern ourselves with the results, what is important is that we tried. Lend us your voices, give it a shot,  the world needs you.

* Written By Matthew Cohen – SJS Staff Writer *

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