Matthew Cohen, MSW

Matthew Cohen, MSW

Social Justice Solutions | Staff Writer
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Rapid Debate Reaction

The idea that creating jobs, as if jobs was some abstract concept, without referencing the need to create industry is a major flaw in both Romney’s and the president’s thinking. Small business grows when sales grow, not because costs are cut. Sales grow when consumers have more money. Consumer’s have more money when they have more jobs and better jobs. Jobs are not created by tax breaks, because neither small business, not big business hire simply because they have more disposable income. They only hire if 1) the position is expected to generate income i.e. Marketing, and soliciting, or 2) expected to handle an increase in demand for goods and services. Neither positions are created due to tax cuts. Businesses only invest money, and use investment money, when there is a sound economy where inflation meets the income of the middle class. This is not the case in contemporary America.

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