Matthew Cohen, MSW

Matthew Cohen, MSW

Social Justice Solutions | Staff Writer
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Could Tetris Help Solve PTSD?

An alternative therapy for the treatment of one of PTSD’s most devastating symptoms, flashbacks has been showing promise. Incorporating Tetris, in order to engage the patient on a highly specific task, has shown to lessen the occurrence of flashbacks in their life. This might seem trivial, but utilizing spacial relations within the safety of the game could help focus the mind on a specific task. As problem solving and forethought are strengthened, so is the ability to work on negative emotions that could be triggering the traumatic flashbacks.

Personally I don’t see this as so far fetched. Focusing on a task, especially these multi-layered problem solving skills are only going to be of benefit. The simple act of taking your mind off an issue, whether through meditation or engaging in some object will also help gain some perspective. Flashbacks are typically debilitating for those suffering from PTSD because of how real it seems. It also makes the person re-experience the trauma over and over, making it extremely difficult to battle the other symptoms. Decreasing flashbacks would then make it much easier to tackle the other symptoms associated with PTSD, without the trauma constantly being reintroduced. In fact, let’s start trying out some more video games, Mario Kart to deal with road rage?

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