systems theory Archive
How do we define the digital divide with marginalized or vulnerable populations? Bronfenbrenner’s (1979) systems theory can elaborate on the interplay a digital divide has on individuals and systems as they interact.
The indirect impact of a digital world influences people through the exosystem. Examples of how an exosystem impacts an adolescents life is seen through advances in school technologies, changes in government standards, issues at parents workplaces, or significant technology advancements. …
Two microsystems coming together form a mesosystem. These systems are a connection between two microsystems in an adolescent’s life. The influence these connections make can form a divide in a digital relationship. There are two areas specific to technology’s impact …
In order to understand how the digital divide affects client populations I will focus on the most technologically integrated clients, teenagers. The microsystem of the teenager consists of their relationships with parents, peers, teachers, and people in their extracurricular activities. …
How do we define the digital divide with marginalized or vulnerable populations? Bronfenbrenner’s (1979) systems theory can elaborate on the interplay a digital divide has on individuals and systems as they interact. I believe digital divide is a term needing …