Social Work Month Archive
As someone who knew very little about Texas politics and accepted a position as a policy analyst through the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work’s legislative internship program, I’m sure you can imagine the daily wrestling of feeling like …
The ‘Things I’ve learned’ chronicles have become a social work month tradition. It began as amusing anecdotes to things I saw that seemed ironic given the nature of our profession. From that, it has grown to what seems to be …
Photo by Andrey Popov | “Social Work is the art of listening and the science of hope”- unknown March is social work month. While the month celebrates the contributions and hard work of social workers across the nation, …
March is social work month. While the month celebrates the contributions and hard work of social workers across the nation, it also provides the opportunity to clarify what it means to be a social worker. There is often a misconception …
It’s become a social work tradition to do a top list of things I wish I had known, or things I’ve learned in various aspects of my social work career. For a full list, please check out: 5 Things I …
It’s the most wonderful time of the year. When our hearts should be growing and work should be slowing because our day grows near! It’s the most wonderful time of the year! No, it’s not the holidays, but it is …
Matt recently spoke about his experience in “Falling in Love with Social Work”. In it he describes feeling more complete, like someone who has found the puzzle they belong to. It was inspiring hearing so many who felt the same …
It seems Congress hasn’t entirely sequestered. S. Res. 78 was introduced on March 18, 2013, “Supporting the goals and ideals of Professional Social Work Month and World Social Work Day.” The bill calls for the American people to recognize social workers and …
March is NASW’s Social Work Month. SJS is participating by promoting social work month and by interviewing professionals who identify themselves as social workers which is one of the 100 ideas in the Social Work Month Toolkit. Below is a …
Leadership is very important no matter what the profession. Good leadership equals a good business and happy employees. What makes a leader likeable and successful? Are leadership skills limited to the business domain? I do not think so. This is …