NASW Says Social Workers Must Stand Up!

If social workers are serious about our concern for the millions of people who are struggling in today’s economy—and I assume that we are—then you owe it to yourselves and the vulnerable people you care about to read President Barack …
In my previous blog post, I noted that former Congressman and social worker Ron Dellums stressed that social work was in need of a big idea that would galvanize the entire profession. It has been brought to my attention by …
CRISP hosted our first student networking event Friday evening at the stylish Park at 14th which drew several dozen social work students from the area’s schools with high representation from Howard University and the University of Maryland. There were out-of-state …
The 50th anniversary of the historic 1963 March on Washington organized by labor leaders A. Philip Randolph and Bayard Rustin that featured the “I Have a Dream” speech by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is a time for …