medicine Archive
Using manufactured scare tactics, the U.S. health insurance industry successfully lobbied Congress to enact a requirement that most non-elderly Americans become compulsory customers of the insurance industry and approve taxpayer financing of massive subsidies for the private insurance industry.
Image via By Celia B. Fisher, Ph.D. In a recent article in the American Journal of Bioethics Kayhan Parsi of the Loyola University of Chicago Stritch School of Medicine exhorted bioethicists to address racism in their work. What the …
Ignaz Semmelweis was a legend in 19th Century medicine. His discovery saved millions of lives; however, he was vilified for his work at the time. Why? And, what lessons can we glean for youth development from his work? Semmelweis was a …
By Isaac Smith After a year of scathing indictments by the media and advocates concerning the overuse of psychotropic drugs on foster children, the legislature responded with a flood of bills aimed at strengthening the safeguards for the prescription of …
Written by Charles Ornstein ProPublica, March 3, 2015, 8 a.m. Newly proposed legislation would make it a felony in New York to film patients receiving medical treatment without prior consent.
What is it like to be a heroin addict in withdrawal and in jail - and to be the parent receiving the call from your son! I want to share Chapter 2 with you - to allow you an opportunity to …
Medicine is where hope is alive and well in America. During the past fifty years, due to rapid advances in microbiology, many persons who once might have died prematurely, or suffered debilitating diseases or disorders, instead enjoy productive lives, albeit …
By Georgianna Reilly, LMSW SJS Staff Writer Diagnosing an individual on the Autism Spectrum is a complex game of observations, testings, and assessments. Typically diagnosis is best made by a team of specialists composed of, but not limited to, a Social Worker, a …
Long after we lose count of our good deeds, what remains with us is often a list of those we couldn’t save. Our “failings” can haunt us, a reminder of our fallible nature. We don’t give ourselves the benefit of …
A new worry in the current economic crisis; epidemic outbreaks. Due to severe cut backs in state and federal agencies, we might be at risk for a rise in disease and epidemic outbreaks. Budget cuts have made many agencies drop workers, services that …