legislation Archive
On February 12, 200 California Youth Connection (CYC) members, allies and community members gathered to celebrate 30 years of the organization’s youth-led advocacy in California, and to continue the fight... By Guest Writer This post No More Missed Goodbyes: Promoting …
The Trump administration announced on Tuesday that over the next six months it would phase out a program that has enabled about 800,000 undocumented young people to avoid deportation, placing their fate in the hands of Congress. Speaking on behalf …
In “California Bill Aims to Create Better Foster Homes,” Holden Slattery reports on new legislation (AB 507) that would require social workers to help foster parents develop training plans tailored to the needs of the children in their homes. This …
Each year for the past 29 years California Youth Connection (CYC) has sent hundreds of current and former youth from across California to a different college campus, for four days, to come up with policy recommendations that they then take …
The CRISP Political Boot Camp next month is designed primarily to provide training for social workers and others desiring to run for elected office or manage political campaigns. It also offers training for those seeking to be spokespersons for a …
One of the more fascinating experiences of my doctoral studies at Columbia University was delving into the writings of Richard Hofstadter in Shelia Kamerman’s policy class, particularly his 1944 book: Social Darwinism in American Thought which I found to be …
The very idea of social work is powerful. That a profession can be built on the foundation of beneficence towards others in society, particularly those who are most vulnerable, makes ours a force for good in a world where greed, …
The clown show has already stopped being funny. With less than two weeks in the White House, the Trump Administration has displayed a level of dysfunction rarely seen among people charged with governing the most powerful nation on the planet. …
The timeliness of the social work health convening next week by the Center for Health Administration Studies (CHAS) could not be more propitious as many Americans nervously prepare themselves for the incoming Donald Trump administration. At the top of the …
Much like the nation’s infrastructure, our mental health system is in dire condition. Major changes are on the horizon as two mental health bills seem headed to votes on the floors of the House and the Senate. The question is: …