leadership Archive
A fabulous leadership book which has important lessons for any profession is Mandela’s Way: Fifteen Lessons on Life, Love and Courage by Richard Stengel. Where Westernized society is focused on individualism, with its roots in the Renaissance, the culture that Mandela …
Leadership is very important no matter what the profession. Good leadership equals a good business and happy employees. What makes a leader likeable and successful? Are leadership skills limited to the business domain? I do not think so. This is …
“Presence must be balanced with a strong sense of who you are at your core.” “Treat everyone, no matter the person’s position or level of power as a respected colleague.” “Pay attention, the simple act of noticing your own behavior …
Leadership, teamwork, management, structure of an organization; these are not typical words used in social work or any helping profession from the professionals themselves as they are often very focused on the clients, patients, clientage and recently I heard the …
By Michelle Sicignano, LMSW, SJS Staff Writer Choosing an austere lifestyle, much like the majority of the population he presides over, the President of Uruguay, Jose Mujica, is the “world’s poorest president.” Shunning a lifestyle of consumption, in favor of …
In the words of the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize committee, upon awarding that years prize to three women activists and leaders, “We cannot achieve democracy and lasting peace in the world unless women obtain the same opportunities as men.” On …