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Last month I wrote a column called “Why the ‘Foster-Care-at-All-Costs’ Crowd Will Never Surrender Their Horror Stories.” I offered those wedded to a take-the-child-and-run approach to child welfare a deal: a mutual moratorium on the use of horror stories to …
On May 1, Children’s Rights launched its third annual Fostering the Future campaign. Each day throughout the month, CR is sharing a new #FosterTruth from someone affected by foster care. In this piece, Julius Kissinger recounts his long journey to …
Domestic violence and abuse is a world-wide epidemic that affects people in every community regardless of economic status, race, religion, nationality or educational background. It is a blight on society that results in serious physical, emotional and mental health problems …
“When you go through the system, you train yourself not to remember your life, so I only remember my life from second grade on.” — Sade, former foster youth. Sade and her siblings officially went into the system when she was …