inequality Archive
There are roughly 554,000 people living on the street on a given night in the United States and mental health and homelessness are sadly being criminalized nationwide.For far too long, people have thought that being homeless is a choice, when …
It may be now or never young people. If another round of elections goes by with many of you standing on the sidelines, it may be too late to turn this ship around. Too many of you sat out while …
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Most of know these words from …
The Republicans latest talking point about the Affordable Care Act is that it is collapsing and will ultimately fail, therefore the only alternative is to repeal it and rescue lower income Americans by passing a new law that will deprive …
Yesterday I published my assessment of how the 12 Grand Challenges for Social Work is evolving into something very special and I encouraged readers to view the January 30th webinar featuring one of the 12 networks, Building Financial Capability and …
It has taken me a minute to get my brain wrapped around the fact that Donald J. Trump will indeed be the next President of the United States. Much of my psyche is still in denial. After a raucous and …
Some politicians are making big claims about longevity to justify their health and social policies. Are our politicians on the far right simply fantasizing about living longer? Is this why they tell us good health investment should be directed towards …
It is symbolic and ironic that the conventions of the Democratic and Republican parties are being held in two cities that are high on the list of metropolitan areas with the greatest economic inequality. According 2014 data, Philadelphia and Cleveland …
SCSJ recently represented the League of Women Voters of North Carolina, the A. Philip Randolph Institute, and other plaintiffs in a federal hearing requesting a preliminary injunction to stop North Carolina’s Monster Voter Suppression Law. At this time we are …
In the Spotlight Some individuals and families living in poverty in the United States may be able acquire certain material goods that previous generations found completely out of reach. Despite having access to material items like low cost televisions and …