humanity Archive
Sigmund Freud (1856 – 1939) begins his famous, breakthrough work on sexuality – his Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality – by making a reference to Plato’s (385 – 370 BCE) Painting By Anselm Feuerback – The Symposium – actually …
Tír gan teanga, Tír gan anam. Padraig Pearse A country without a language is a country without a soul. Gaelic Saying Stories are formed from words, which are the building blocks of language. Each letter, each word is nuanced by the …
Jim Roberts, CEOVoice of our CEO For a long time, our society has clung to the idea that we are somehow hardwired to be selfish. And while there’s no denying this fact, there is now compelling evidence to prove that …
VisionQuest – Johannus Boots In the recently published book In Search of Self: Exploring Student Identity Development, editor Chad Hanson writes: “Students become new and different people through the course of their education. When students earn the right to say, …
The current Vice President-elect in the United States, Mike Pence, supports the use of conversion therapy for LGBT+ minors.
Time for a Unifying Story© By David G. Blumenkrantz Stories are part of the human experience. “What’s the story?” is the first of 20 elements that serve as guiding principles in an architectural structure for youth and community development through …
By Judge Steven Teske Juvenile Justice Information Exchange “When you shine a light on the problem and don’t do anything, you’re only admiring the problem,” said school superintendent Randy Nelson of the La Crosse, Wis., school district. “It’s time to …
By Judge Steven Teske Juvenile Justice Information Exchange This hostility is not just measured by the number of arrests, but who we are arresting. When I visit cities around the country to deliver assistance, their data is similar to …
Photo courtesy of STUDENT VOICES | CHYNN PRIZE HONORABLE MENTION By John Tracey “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you …
Have you ever heard the Proverb: “It takes a whole village to raise a child”? Probably, since it is a well worn saying that has been used within the title of a books, articles, bumper stickers and even cartoons, which …