goals Archive
Now and again I hear people say to me, “I’m sure I could do your job; it doesn’t look that hard.” That comment is one I take with a smile and usually respond with, “Thank you! I’m succeeding then in …
Help your clients achieve successful New Year’s resolutions to realize financial wellbeing in 2016 with the following tips. As we look forward to 2016, we look back at 2015 and some of the helpful advice offered in the Financial Social …
Achieving financial goals and creating sustainable, long-term financial behavioral change relies on individuals understanding the importance of setting goals and using a proven strategy to improve the chances of achieving those goals. Family and community advocates who wish to …
Last night while talking with my wife, she shared a comment that someone she knows often makes. The fellow said, “I’ve had a lot happen in my life.” This, apparently is what he says as a way of both explaining why …
Yesterday my wife and I put away all the Christmas decorations; no small chore in the Mitchell household. As much as we both love to decorate for the holidays we both throw ourselves into getting our house back to what we …
Hope; it’s what looking forward to flipping over the calendar at the end of December every year is all about really isn’t it? I mean, it’s a new slate, a fresh start, new beginnings with raised expectations that you won’t …
There are two ways you can find yourself in the wrong job; you land in it right away or over time things change and what was once right is now wrong. But how do you know if you’re in the …
Dreams are real and without them life is a sad existence. Dreams hold us together and give us a vision, something to aim for, the road leading to our destination. Dreams are the magic, the magician making us laugh, or …
Enjoy each day, Find the fun and humour in life, Focus on what really matters, Enjoy friends and family, Find your passion, Make a difference. *Written by Victoria Brewster, MSW SJS Staff Writer in Canada*