foster parent recruitment Archive
Counties in California will have until Thursday to decide whether to opt into a state program that aims to boost the number of foster parents by providing some with subsidized... By Jeremy Loudenback This post California Counties Consider Child Care …
Progress toward a lifetime commitment to permanence has stagnated over the past decade at just under three-fourths of those children and youth in care. The reunification rate has slipped from 53 percent to 51 percent. Adoptions have stayed the same …
A new report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation looks at ways child welfare agencies can improve foster parent recruitment and retention. In the report, the authors argue that more training and support of foster parents can result in more …
The U.S. family foster care program dates back over 150 years. Known as the father of foster care, a young minister – Charles Loring Brace – was horrified by the thousands of orphaned and destitute European immigrant children he found roaming …