fear Archive
Dear Elisabeth, I see you working hard every day to make a difference in your life and in the world. I hear you talking about how things can be better, how we don’t have to live in pain. I know …
Paranoia is one of the most stigmatized symptoms of complex trauma. It is often viewed as a sign of a serious mental illness. But the reality of paranoia is different. It is everywhere. I believe childhood trauma makes it a …
Anxiety has been my lifelong companion. While it has been debilitating at times, my recovery work has helped me so much. I don’t have the same responses to life that I did in my younger years. I don’t get paralyzed …
I have to admit something I am not proud of. I find myself having an inner temper tantrum this morning. It has to do with current events which I try hard to avoid on my blog, not because I don’t …
One of the most important and difficult aspects of recovery work is finding balance in our lives. During our traumatic experiences, our inner parts split off in an attempt to keep us safe. In doing so, they stored their childlike beliefs …
For the past several years, I have been on a journey to heal my trauma. And not surprisingly, it hasn’t been easy.
Lately, I have been inundated with confusion. This is normally a sign that I am considering change. But I am not considering change in my conscious mind. I don’t understand it in my conscious mind. I am not in charge …
Most people don’t like fear. When it rises up, the first instinct is to move away from it or whatever is causing it. And that makes sense. Our instincts were designed to do just that. We keep ourselves safe by …
Part II — Resistance: Judging by nationwide commentary, the following appear to be among the issues that have caused the greatest divisions in the country and turned our cultural mix toxic. Accordingly, they are the precisely the ones around which …
Part I — Little Has Changed: “It’s the guns,” a friend of mine posted on Facebook the day after the San Bernardino shootings. Yes, I agree it’s the guns, particularly the assault rifles. Yes, they should be registered, as New …