family preservation Archive
The number of children separated from their parents at the border since April is almost equal to the number taken by U.S. child protective services (CPS) every three days.
It happens over and over. Foster parents and, to a lesser extent, adoptive parents complain about how badly they are treated by child protective services agencies.
Late last year, The New York Times published a story about the frightening amount of power, and the frightening lack of accountability, among some of America’s county sheriffs.
The Arizona Daily Star is in the middle of publishing the results from a year-long investigation into how to fix the child welfare system in that state. As I’ve noted before, the answers are relevant to every state. Right at the moment, the answers may …
In a previous post to the NCCPR Child Welfare blog, I discussed how actual experts on substance abuse keep pleading with reporters not to make the same mistakes in covering the opioid epidemic that they made covering the crack epidemic – …
A new audit of Oregon’s child welfare system is an exercise in willful ignorance. That makes it more part of the problem than part of the solution.
Perhaps you’ve heard. Tacked onto the bill that averted another government shutdown is a child welfare finance “reform” measure called the Family First Prevention Services Act.
When you are poor, and especially if you are a poor person of color, an enormous amount of your life is out of your control. Almost everything is controlled by those of us who are white and middle class.
Last month, the Oregon Department of Human Services deployed three lawyers to call 40 witnesses over 11 days in a desperate attempt to keep one child in foster care. They had confiscated the child, at birth, from Amy Fabbrini and …
In 2006, NCCPR released a report on child welfare in Ohio, with a particular focus on Butler County, just north of Cincinnati. Ohio is one of the states in which individual counties run child welfare agencies.