child welfare Archive
An influential child welfare foundation has a new diagnosis for what ails New York City’s foster care system. It explains one of the most vexing issues facing youth who have been removed from their parents’ By Michael Fitzgerald This post …
Texas’ Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) is moving forward with its privatization of foster care in 30 new counties across the state. The “community-based care” model allows the state to contract with private By Christie Renick This post …
The number of children separated from their parents at the border since April is almost equal to the number taken by U.S. child protective services (CPS) every three days.
Micaela Baca never expected she would play a role in passing a state law. She aged out of foster care in New Mexico at age 18, and wanted to get... By Guest Writer This post New Mexico Celebrates First-Ever Tax …
Last month, Vice put juvenile justice front and center with a one-hour HBO documentary hosted by Michael K. Williams, star of the network’s acclaimed series “The Wire.” The special – Raised in... By John Kelly This post The Judge Who Helped Make …
In November of 2004, Matthew Ramsey and his boyfriend were devastated. The state where they lived at the time, Ohio, had just voted to amend the state constitution to bar... By Michael Fitzgerald This post Groups Seek to Help LGBTQ …
In early March, Miriam Yarde started a GoFundMe page to raise $10,000 for the medical bills and living costs that will arise when she receives a life-saving kidney transplant. Less... By Holden Slattery This post CNN Hero Taps Online Donor …
This weekend will be a flurry of activity at Atlanta-based Assured Comfort Heating, Air and Plumbing as staff members and other volunteers stuff hundreds of backpacks with goodies for kids... By Kim Phagan-Hansel This post Atlanta Heating and Air Company …
It happens over and over. Foster parents and, to a lesser extent, adoptive parents complain about how badly they are treated by child protective services agencies.
Four California counties were recognized at the California Foster Youth Education Summit for their efforts to help foster youth get financial aid to attend college, as part of the inaugural... By Sara Tiano This post California Counties Rewarded for Signing …