Paralyzed Perception

We can’t move our feet, is like we’re feeling paralyzed
The hate and negativity is eating us up like a parasite
The truth is out there for us to see with our pair of eyes
Remove your blindfolds and free yourself from all these lies

We silence our lips, and only speak loud for justice when it benefits our side
We side step from all the struggles that inflicts all the other lives
We take our fingers and plug our ears from all the cries
We respond to the anger of the disadvantage with only whys?
We refuse to examine life from the other side

We decline to step in the shoes of the people we accuse
We can’t move our feet, is like we’re feeling paralyzed
The hate and negativity is eating us up like a parasite
The truth is out there for us to see with our pair of eyes
Remove your blindfolds and free yourself from all these lies

We failed to see it from a women side
We don’t recognize why she is pressured to look good all the time

We don’t understand why she’s occupied in polishing her outer image is to satisfy the eyes of opposite who set the price
We define the social status of women in theme of sex sales
We don’t see the need to catering to this theme is why she works hard as hell
We don’t see this is an exchange to nurture her emotional needs
We don’t feel the impact of being left deprived and empty
We watch her blames herself for feeling unhealthy
We refuse to change the social system that set her up to fail in unhealthy concept of beauty that objectified her body parts as commodity
We don’t see who is to blame? Is it her or the opposite gender that refuse to value modesty?

We can’t move our feet, is like we’re feeling paralyzed
The hate and negativity is eating us up like a parasite
The truth is out there for us to see with our pair of eyes
Remove your blindfolds and free yourself from all these lies

We speak about violence, only when it fits the concept of being terrorized.
But you can terrorize unless you’re a Muslim, I mean a terrorist
We failed to see how we categorize
When we speak about the raining bombs on Gaza Strip
“Self-defense” leaves their lips
Tell that to the poor child whose cause of death was a flying bricking smashing his tiny hips

You’re no better either
Screaming “JIHAD” and acting out of anger radically
Strapping yourself with bombs and killing innocent is not Islamically
Step back and sit down no matter the conflict or context, acting out of anger is not islamically

Violence is violence no matter what
Bring the focus back to the “Action” no matter who, what, when, or why

We watch the news sell war till it’s accepted and glorified
We refuse to ask the victims who are tariffed
Of those who are prepared to fight

Suicide bombers and silent drones
Both fit the concept of being terrorized
So the only way you can terrorize
Is to justify violence and to do that
You have to have a perception that’s paralyzed
Now that’s a TERRORIST

We can’t move our feet, is like we’re feeling paralyzed
The hate and negativity is eating us up like a parasite
The truth is out there for us to see with our pair of eyes
Remove your blindfolds and free yourself from all these lies

We refuse to address the base
We refuse to see that Oppression is not rooted in
Religion, race, ethnicity, or Nation
Tradition, class, or sexual orientation
Disability, Social status, or cultural ways
We refuse to see that the content will always change
We refuse to accept that the ACT of Oppression will not change
Unless we change what stays the same
We refuse to reflect on what stays the same is HATE and FEAR
We refuse to hear that HATE and FEAR only responds to the call
Of justices when it’s Just for us.
But Hate and Fear remain deaf when the call is for Justice for all

We can’t move our feet, is like we’re feeling paralyzed
The hate and negativity is eating us up like a parasite
The truth is out there for us to see with our pair of eyes
Remove your blindfolds and free yourself from all these lies


Submitted by : SJS user

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