Georgianna Dolan-Reilly, LMSW

Georgianna Dolan-Reilly, LMSW

Social Justice Solutions | Staff Writer
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Birth Control: Is there Inequality in Cost?

A recent study suggests that Birth Control costs are unequal across neighborhoods, an inequality that follows a socioeconomic trend.

Researchers focused on the price of seven commonly used contraceptives — including various forms of the pill, as well as transvaginal options like the ring. They cross-referenced the price information across various counties with median household incomes from the 2010 census.

Nearly every prescription contraceptive was more expensive in low-income zip codes, the researchers found.

In most cases, price differed by just a few dollars. For two of the contraceptives, the cost was significantly less in the wealthiest zip codes.

While the study looked at data from Florida only, it is likely that this trend is the case across the United States. However, some are suggesting that the impact of these cost differences might not be too relevant, as individuals who are uninsured can access government-funded clinics where Birth Control might be free or at a lower cost than the pharmacies researched.

Regardless of the implications of these findings, it is indicative of an ever-growing and frightening trend: the less wealthy you are, the more it takes to pay for your health. Healthy food options,  access to gyms or places to walk or exercise, and now birth control appears to be more costly the lower on the economic ladder you are.

Written By Georgianna Dolan-Reilly, LMSW
SJS Staff Writer

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