A Call for Papers: Steps Toward a Conceptually Adequate Human Science

A Call for Papers for the 36TH Annual Meeting of The Society for Descriptive Psychology
 Golden, Colorado
October 23-26, 2014

Steps Toward a Conceptually Adequate Human Science
The Society for Descriptive Psychology invites students and established scholars to address some subset of the following issues:
1.    The pragmatic and conceptual foundations of the Human Sciences.
2.    Development, refinement, and mapping of the tools and concepts of Descriptive Psychology,  Social Constructionism, and kindred disciplines.
3.    The implicit structure of the concept of Persons.
4.    The centrality of the concept of community to the understanding of science.
5.    Development of a more adequate and person-centered model of scientific behavior.
6.    Advancement of the behavioral logic of social justice and progress.
7.    Clarification and advancement of assessment, evaluation, and therapeutic practice.
Descriptive Psychology is the intellectual discipline devoted to connecting and making explicit the implicit structure of the Human Sciences. The Society welcomes submissions from diverse areas of scholarship and practice.
Peter Ossorio, a founder of Descriptive Psychology, offered these 4 slogans as an orientation:
1. The world makes sense, and so do people. They make sense now.
2. It’s one world. Everything fits together.  Everything is related to
     everything else.
3. Things are what they are and not something else instead.
4. Don’t count on the world being simpler than it has to be.
    (The Behavior of Persons, 2006/2013)
Students and others whose submissions are relevant to Descriptive Psychology but who lack a sufficient connection to the subject matter may be asked to work with a Society mentor and discuss relevant literature and technique.
Limited funds may be available to help defray the expenses of students and early career academics and professionals who received their degrees within the last three years.
Information on The Society and past conferences and presentations can be found on the Society’s website: www.SDP.org
To Submit: 
By March 1, 2014, please prepare a proposal (500-700 words in length) for review in Microsoft Word format. Send the file as an attachment in an email with a body containing the title and the author’s name, contact information, institutional affiliation and status (graduate student, faculty member, independent researcher, etc.) If accepted, final papers need to be suitable for either a 25 or 45 minute presentation.

Inquires and submissions should be sent to: wynn_schwartz@hms.harvard.edu
By Wynn Schwartz, PhD
*First published at: http://freedomliberationreaction.blogspot.ca/2013/12/a-call-for-papers-steps-toward.html and republished with the author’s permission.

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