Matthew Cohen, MSW

Matthew Cohen, MSW

Social Justice Solutions | Staff Writer
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People Outside Polling Sites Cannot Ask for I.D. in Pennsylvania

Nothing brings out the ugliness of a person than election day. I never understood the anger, as if ones political beliefs were a part of the body. Voting intimidation is as old as America. A judge today has stopped people from asking voters for I.D. in Pennsylvania,which is one of nine states that require I.D. to vote. This no longer applies to normal voter standing outside the poll.

Voting rights is tricky, requiring I.D. can discriminate against voters, especially elderly people who never actually obtained an I.D. Still, i think it makes sense to have some sort of voting I.D. to decide the most powerful positions in the country. If the government is serious about voter I.d. then an effort should be made to provide free identification cards to those who cannot get other forms of I.D. Voting is a right, citizens should not be not required  to pay for it.

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